Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Cyber Monday Outdoor Gear Sales
Black Friday is history but there are plenty of opportunities to save with these great Cyber Monday outdoor gear sales. Here’s a list of the best deals we found from around the web: Save 30% at AppOutdoors Get 25-50% Off at Rocky Mountain Trail Save up to 50% on outdoor gear at RockyMountainTrail.com Save 20%…
Deal of the Day – Adventure Medical Kits – Ultralight Pro
Safety First With Adventure Medical Kits The Ultralight Pro by Adventure Medical Kits is ideal for any outfitter, guide, trip leader, or mountaineer who needs to travel light, fast, and watertight in the backcountry. Includes a pull-out kit to minimize weight and space burdens for summit adventures.
Deal of the Day – Kelty Acadia 4 Tent
Get an Early Start On Savings With the Highly Rated Kelty Acadia 4 Person Tent The Acadia 4 by Kelty is a quick easy pitch tent for maximum camp comfort living. This 4-person 3-season shelter comes equipped with a spacious interior, large dual doors and vestibules, and features taped floor seams, internal storage pockets, and…
Deal of the Day – Rovor Couzy Mummy Sleeping Bag
Get an Early Start on Black Friday With This Highly Rated 3 Season Sleeping Bag With a certified temperature range of 0°F – 40°F, the Rovor Couzy Mummy Sleeping Bag is perfect for camping during the spring, fall, or summer. Measuring 90 inches long, 31 inches wide at the shoulders, and 20 inches wide at the…
Deal of the Day – Kelty Outfitter Pro 3 Tent
Now is the time to get a great deal on this highly rated and ultra-durable Kelty Outfitter Pro 3 Tent The 3-season Outfitter Pro 3 by Kelty is a burly designed tent for more extreme backpacking adventures. This field repairable 3-person shelter is constructed with durable materials and features taped floor seams, mesh wall panels,…
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