Category: Camping Tips
Eastern Mountain Sports Outdoor Gear Deal of the Day
Since 1967 Eastern Mountain Sports has been a leading voice in the outdoor adventure scene. Over the years they have grown to become one of the most trusted online sources of outdoor gear and advice. Each day they offer a special deal on an outdoor gear product. Check back daily to find some of the…
Deal of the Day – Adventure Medical Kits – Ultralight Pro
Safety First With Adventure Medical Kits The Ultralight Pro by Adventure Medical Kits is ideal for any outfitter, guide, trip leader, or mountaineer who needs to travel light, fast, and watertight in the backcountry. Includes a pull-out kit to minimize weight and space burdens for summit adventures.
Deal of the Day – Kelty Outfitter Pro 3 Tent
Now is the time to get a great deal on this highly rated and ultra-durable Kelty Outfitter Pro 3 Tent The 3-season Outfitter Pro 3 by Kelty is a burly designed tent for more extreme backpacking adventures. This field repairable 3-person shelter is constructed with durable materials and features taped floor seams, mesh wall panels,…
Deal of the Day – Gregory Z 65 Backpack
Deal of the Day The Z 65 by Gregory is an effective load transfer pack designed for maximum trail comfort. Constructed using quality nylon fabrics, this product comes equipped with the JetStreamTM LTS suspension system, zippered access, hydration compatibility, and dual quick access waistbelt pockets.
A Complete Guide to Easy Camping Foods and Cooking
When you think of camping one of the first things that comes to mind is sitting around a fire and roasting marshmallows. Unfortunately man cannot live on sweet, fluffy treats alone and so finding other foods that can be easily prepared in the wilderness is a must. In this guide we’ll take a look at…